Welcome to Annett Thomas Interior Decor Studio!
+1 (413)-305-5627
3613 Simmons ST, Charlotte, NC 28208
Annett Thomas Interior Decor StudioAnnett Thomas Interior Decor StudioAnnett Thomas Interior Decor Studio

About us

About CEO

When Annett Thomas saw a need in the domestic market for a business with a specialized understanding of both the building and design processes, she launched Annette Thomas Interior Decoration Studio.

With her husband, Annett built up a sizable real estate and construction portfolio over the course of more than 25 years. Annett has taken that expertise and excelled in offering unequaled services in all facets of design and project management.

Annett possesses a natural design sense that she has acquired through many years in the industry. Annett draws inspiration from the arts, her travels, and her unmatched passion for design.

Annett collaborates with homeowners, architects, and builders from the blueprint stage to completion, providing project management and development oversight.

She is an expert in both the design and construction processes.

Annett has high expectations for herself, and this is evident in the caliber of all of her work. Annett has extensive experience in the field and is keenly aware of the dedication to quality in both her own work and the work of the vendors she depends on.

Annett Thomas has in-depth knowledge of top-notch building techniques, elegant finishes, and furniture. She also values strong, long-lasting partnerships with reliable suppliers who enable her to fulfill her clients’ hopes and visions.


Annett Thomas is also in supply of :

Face Masks
Hand Gloves
Cotton & Fabrics
Call to ask any question +1 (413)-305-5627

Annett Thomas

(Chairman and founder)
Looking for expert guidance to design your home? Contact us!

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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