Welcome to Annett Thomas Interior Decor Studio!
+1 (413)-305-5627
3613 Simmons ST, Charlotte, NC 28208
Annett Thomas Interior Decor StudioAnnett Thomas Interior Decor StudioAnnett Thomas Interior Decor Studio

Personalised Interior Design

We create home spaces tailored to your tastes and lifestyle, balancing visual appeal with functional ease.

On-Time Completion

Rest assured that your dream home will be handed over on time, within budget, and as per schedule

Assured Warranty

There is a manufacturer-led product warranty on modular kitchens, wardrobes and bath solutions for up to 10 years..

My Design Philosophy

When Annett Thomas saw a need in the domestic market for a business with a specialized understanding of both the building and design processes, she launched Annette Thomas Interior Decoration Studio.

With her husband, Annett built up a sizable real estate and construction portfolio over the course of more than 25 years. Annett has taken that expertise and excelled in offering unequaled services in all facets of design and project management.


Annett Thomas is also in supply of :

Face Masks
Hand Gloves
Cotton & Fabrics
Call to ask any question +1 (413)-305-5627

Annett Thomas

(Chairman and founder)

Head office address:

3613 Simmons ST, Charlotte, NC 28208

Call for help:

+ 1 (413)-305-5627

Connect On LinkedIn:

@Annett Thomas

Looking for expert guidance to design your home?

Leave your information and we will call you to book your preferred consultation slot


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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